Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Corporate Cup Reception tonight at Griffin - Canceled!!

Due to the snow, this event has been canceled.
The 2010 edition of the Community Corporate Cup sponsored by Griffin Hospital and put on by Valley United Way, Valley YMCA and the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce begins with a Kickoff Reception tonight at the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital. It's fitting that while the world's attention is focused on the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, we are starting our local version of a corporate mini-olympic style event. In our case, the emphasis is on improving health through a series of fun and healthy events requiring varying degrees of athletic ability.Tonight's event is informational in nature with the presentation of all the materials and information that participants will need to get involved this year. 
Perkin Elmer is the three-time defending champion, but they should have plenty of competition this year with several other former winners in the field, and some new participants ready to enter the field.

The actual competition begins next week with the Healthy Team Pre-testing and will end with an Awards Reception in June. Along the way corporations will compete for titles in individual events while racking up points for the overall Cup title. Participation is the key to victory in the Corporate Cup, though winning individual events never hurts.

You can follow the Corporate Cup on its own website throughout the competition. there will be stories,  plenty of pictures, some video and the latest standings to help keep you motivated.

For more information about Valley United Way, visit our website at www.valleyunitedway.org.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Men Who Cook - and those who pretend to cook

3rd Annual "Men Who Cook" Fundraiser

It's getting close! TEAM, Inc.'s wildly successful "Men Who Cook" fundraiser has been scheduled for Saturday, March 27, 2010 at Warsaw Park, Pulaski Highway, Ansonia, CT. from 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. And for the third straight year, I am one of the "chefs" - and I use the term very lightly in my case.

This is one of those "can't miss" events held in the Valley every year. In fact, it has become so popular that you really do need to plan to buy your ticket soon or you will not be able to go! I'm not sure of the exact number, but I think there are about 50 chefs ranging from those who make a living from their culinary work to those who have a real passion for cooking. And then there is a third category - pretenders. I'm not proud to say that I fall into the last category. It's almost sad to admit that someone once told a banquet audience that my culinary expertise was limited to showing him how to make a banquet out of a bag of potato chips and a bottle of coke!!

When Diane Stroman first asked me to participate in year one, I said yes with great trepidation. How would I pull this off? Take out from Roseland or Duchess was a thought, but definitely not allowed. Admit defeat and bow out - not an option! With so many talented chefs in the mix, maybe no one would notice whatever I did - not likely.

Luckily, I ran into Charlie Nolan, owner of the deli in the building where United Way is located and several others in the area. We got talking, and it turned out that Charlie was also going to be a chef. By the time our conversation was completed, my problem was solved. Charlie and I were going to be partners in the event - well sort of. In truth Charlie was and is the brains of the operation. He is an excellent chef, and he is allowing me to hang around and be his assistant. Even that was a bit of a challenge. However, I not only survived the first year's event, but even managed to fool some people into thinking I knew what I was doing. Charlie is the consummate pro. His recipes were delicious, and we were besieged with hungry patrons. It was a a big success, and Charlie deserves all the credit.

We're all set for this year's event, and you can look for another tasty dish. I don't want to cast any aspersions, but as you walk around the room, I think you might find some other well known figures who fit in my same category - pretenders! But it's all for a great cause, and it's a terrific night of food and fun.

Ticket Donation $50.00. For further information or to purchase tickets or provide sponsorships please call 203-736-5420 ext. 221. Of course, I have a supply of tickets as well, and you can reach me at 203-926-9478 or email jack.walsh@valleyunitedway.org.

For more information about Valley United Way, visit our website at www.valleyunitedway.org.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Silver Screen Soiree-POSTPONED

Unfortunately, our premier event “Silver Screen Soiree” needs to be postponed at this time. We are looking for a date in mid May and we will be sure to inform you of it as soon as it is confirmed! This gives you more time to watch the REAL Academy Awards Ceremony and get ideas for costumes as well as whom to nominate from your offices! Get ready to have some fun!

Monday, February 8, 2010

How much should one give??

If you had the opportunity to catch CBS Sunday Morning this week, you might have caught an interesting discussion  about philanthropy. There was a story of a family who sold their large home, moved into a smaller home and used the profits that they made from their downsizing to support a number of charities. The move was sparked by the daughter inthe family who felt a need to really get involved in a meaningful way.

Brian Gallagher, President of United Way Worldwide was on the program speaking about people's giving. His feeling was that people should give until it makes them feel good, which is something that I have said many times when addressing potential donors. At one time, there was a guideline called "Fair Share" which was widely promoted by United Way, but has disappeared from the lexicon in recent years. One definition was that a person should give the equivalent of one hours pay per month for the year.

CBS then turned from "Give until it makes you feel good" and "Give your fair share" to "Give until it hurts." The thought being that the true spirit of giving should involve sacrifice much as the family above gave up their large house for a much smaller one in the name of charity. Peter Singer, author of "The Life You Can Save", agreed that giving should have an element of sacrifice and everyone noted that people who have the least are often more charitable than those who have the most. They used a store clerk as an example. The woman annually donates 10% of what she makes to charity.

Many have pointed out that 10% being given by a person in the financial situation of the store clerk is probably  making much more of a sacrifice than someone making a million dollars a year even though she gave much less in actual dollars. In addition to his book, Singer has a unique website: thelifeyoucansave.com.According tot he website, "If everyone who can afford to contribute to reducing extreme poverty were to give a modest proportion of their income to effective organizations fighting extreme poverty, the problem could be solved. It wouldn’t take a huge sacrifice."

One thing that makes the site unique is its "donation calculator". You can find it at: http://www.thelifeyoucansave.com/pledge/pledge_calc.php?curr_country=171&lang=EN. There is also a separate pledge page with suggested guidelines: http://www.thelifeyoucansave.com/pledge/pledge.php?curr_country=171. It's an interesting concept, what do you think?

For more information about Valley United Way, visit our website at www.valleyunitedway.org.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Valley United Way’s Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, at The Inn at Villa Bianca, 312 Roosevelt Drive, Seymour, CT.
5:15pm Registration and Social followed by Dinner and meeting at 5:45.

Cost is $45.00 per person.

The 2010-2011 Campaign Chair as well as the Charles H. Flynn Humanitarian Award winner will be introduced. The Flynn Award is the oldest and most prestigious award for community service. In addition, the distribution of the 2009-2010 Community Campaign awards will be made.

Hope you can join us for this great event!