Thanks to a very generous anonymous donor and the timely support of Basement Systems, needy Valley children will be receiving some high quality rocking horses and chairs. In a repeat of a donation from 2007, the company which wishes to remain anonymous offered to provide over 175 of the horses and chairs to Valley groups for distribution to needy children. Things seemed pretty straightforward and easy to handle until a major logistics snafu took place.
The Boys & Girls Club in Shelton had agreed to be the distribution center for the products, but when a very large tractor trailer pulled up at the Club loaded with the horses and chairs, the lack of a loading dock proved to be a major stumbling block to getting the items off the truck. That's when John Kay and Basement Systems came to the rescue! John was on hand with a truck to assist TEAM, Inc. with the items that they would be receiving. When he realized there was a problem, he quickly called back to Basement Systems to see if their warehouse and loading dock in Seymour might be available. Luckily it was, and the tractor trailer was diverted to Seymour where in a matter of minutes, Denny Davila unloaded the truck and the happy agencies were able to easily load the items onto their own trucks.
Agencies that received the horses and chairs included the Boys and Girls Club, TEAM, Inc., St. Vincent DePaul and the Valley Parish Nurse Program. The donated items are valued at approximately $30,000.
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