Having been born at Griffin Hospital - though not 100 years ago! - I have a special interest and pride in the achievements of our local hospital. They have accomplished a lot and positively impacted thousands upon thousands of lives here in the Valley. We are fortunate to have a community hospital in our midst that is ready, willing and able to meet our health needs. The past year has seen the hospital advance dramatically with the opening of the Cancer Center and the new Imaging & Diagnostics Center.
Saturday's event runs from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. and includes tours, family fun, kids activities and much more. They are also looking for stories and pictures from people who have used the hospital. Bring along those old baby pictures!
On Tuesday, the Valley will give birth to its own on-line newspaper when the Valley Independent Sentinel prints - no publishes - its first edition. For those still mourning the death of the old Evening Sentinel, this new electronic version promises to be chuck full of the latest news - but only from the Valley. This unique venture is actually a nonprofit sponsored by the Online Journalism Project, Inc. and funded with through grants from the Valley Community Foundation with a major grant from the John S. & James L. Knight Foundation.
We are fortunate in the Valley to be served by regional daily newspapers as well as local weekly newspapers, and the Valley Independent Sentinel will be a welcome addition to the flow of information in the Valley. Years ago when we started The Electronic Valley, the Valley's on-line website participants were bemoaning the loss of the Evening Sentinel and radio station WADS. The costs of starting a printed daily newspaper or a new radio station were prohibitive and the technology was already advancing electronically, so The Electronic Valley was launched and has provided the Valley with an Internet presence ever since. It was never designed to be a newspaper, but rather a constantly changing resource of information for and about the Valley. The Valley Independent Sentinel injects a new form of electronic journalism that offers incredible potential. Now, how about an Internet Radio Station - or a daily podcast of Valley news??
Stop by Ansonia City Hall tomorrow at 4:00 P.M. to be part of the launch or simply log on to read the firs edition!
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