If you really want to see a community coming together to meet a need, you need to stop by the Riverwalk in Shelton on Saturday to witness Harvest House III. The need for food in the Valley has risen dramatically in the last year, and our food banks have been stressed to the limits to meet the demand. Earlier this year, we had stories about Griffin Hospital's incredible food donation marking their 100th birthday and the annual postal workers food drives. As amazing as those were, the Harvest House is a spectacle that is hard to match.
As I write this, a tent is being erected on the Riverwalk which will be followed later this afternoon by the plywood walls of our new "house" erected under the tent by a bunch of volunteer "handymen". By tomorrow morning at 9:00 am all will be ready for the 100s of volunteers who will descend on the house to complete the construction of the house with tons of nonperishable food items. You literally have to see this to believe it!
Saturday's event has received a real boost from a collaborative effort with the Echo Hose Ambulance Service which is celebrating their 60th anniversary with a Family Fund Day and concert by the Highland Rovers from 2:00 - 6:00 pm. right next to the Harvest House on the Riverwalk
On Sunday (Pray for good weather!) the house will be on public display and on Monday, all the food will be carted away to area food banks and the walls will be taken down and stored for another day.
This event is put on by our incredible Corporate Volunteer Council and involves hundreds of volunteers. It is also made possible by the sponsorships that provide the funding to make this work. We have a complete list of all the sponsors and CVC members that you can find here
We'll have plenty of pictures and maybe even some video on the website as early as tonight when we start by showing you what HealthNet is doing today. So come back to the website regularly to follow the weekend's events.
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