Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Family Rallies for Change

There are many ways to volunteer – donating time, efforts and resources each to benefit a cause. When families participate and become closer while understanding the importance of helping those in need, both parties truly benefit.

Lisa Duhamel, Vice President of Administration with Prudential Annuities, met Pat Tarasovic, Director of the Corporate Volunteer Council at Valley United Way, at a Thanksgiving food drive. It was during their conversation that Lisa became interested in sponsoring a family in need for Christmas. After going home and discussing the holiday giving scenario with her family, Lisa became the brains behind making the best use of their communal loose change jar.

"My children knew what we were doing as a family," Lisa said. "They brought home their leftover lunch money and contributed just as my husband and I would go through our pockets every day for change. My daughter, who is nine, understood the situation entirely and was excited to help. My five-year-old son was also excited, but I had to explain that there are families who may not be able to get any gifts for Christmas, and this is our way to help Santa."

Lisa and her family continued to add to their loose change jar and collected over $300 in coins, which was used to buy gifts and supplies for a family in need. The family‘s loose change jar has always been a routine method of saving extra money in the their house. In fact, Lisa has already begun a jar to use on a family for the 2009 holiday.

"This past year, we were able to sponsor a family with an eight and three year old. Because the children’s ages were in such close proximity to ours, it was much easier to shop for them. I enjoy getting my children involved, especially my daughter, who has expressed a real interest in volunteering," Lisa said. Her daughter, who is also a Girl Scout, has helped with a large portion of the change collection and past Thanksgiving food drives. "This whole experience has raised my awareness to how many people need assistance, and I would like to continue helping any way I can throughout the year."

Special thanks go out to Lisa and her family for LIVING UNITED in the Valley.

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