Wednesday, September 2, 2009


As the summer winds down, campaign season gears up for the Valley United Way with Derby, Seymour and Shelton schools busy conducting their employee campaigns.

In Seymour, Superintendant of Schools, MaryAnne Mascolo, spoke of the importance of the United Way in the community and the difference pledges make to their agencies. She also noted that the agencies provide necessary programs to enhance the behavioral health of all students.

In Shelton, MC Lorraine Rosner, former advisor to the High School Volunteer Council, gave a plug for United Way followed by the new school representatives Sandie Zuraw and Kathy Riddle. Kathy stated that the 2009 Shelton campaign would be dedicated to the late, great Ed Morocco who was the campaign chairman in Shelton for the last decade! Superintendant Freeman Burr concluded by urging all faculty and staff to participate in the United Way campaign.

And finally in Derby, Dr. Steve Tracy, superintendant of schools, spoke of the importance United Way has in the community and asked his entire staff to pledge $1 per week over the year to enhance programs supported by United Way.

This school year sees the Derby and Seymour school systems with representatives in most school buildings to assist with pledge collection and distributing information on other events sponsored by United Way. We would like to thank Nancy Maleri, Betsy Seabury, Cathy Pomeroy, Kelly Foley, Donna Pysz and Kathy Brown from the Derby schools as well as Sue Duke, Darlene O’Callaghan, Alison Cunningham, Lucille McGinn, Pat Sabatini, Judy Laudati, Roxanne Lindgren and Karen Wilczewski from Seymour for their assistance! We greatly appreciate the time and effort they dedicate to their respective campaigns.

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