Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jones Family Farms in the lead!!

It's only been a week since the "Farmers Facebook Challenge" was announced and Jones Family Farms and Bishops Orchard began the dash to 5,000 new fans by Thanksgiving with the real winners being Valley United Way, the Working Lands Allianceand the Guilford Community Fund as the farms will be donating up to a total of $5,000 to the three groups based on the results of the campaign.

How are we doing?
During the past week, we've been posting, blogging, Twittering, Facebooking and e-mailing to get out the word of the challenge, and it seems to be working. Using the statistics provided by our good friends at the Valley Independent Sentinel, we've calculated that 3,288 new fans have been added to the two farms friends lists. We're excited that Jones Family farms is in the lead with 2,351 to Bishops 937 new fans!!

Check out the comments on the Fans page
One of the great things that comes out of this is not only the new fans added, but the wonderful comments being made on the pages. Just take a look at pictures and comments on the Jones Page, and you will get a feel for just how important farms still are in all our lives.

So, thanks to the farms and for all the new fans out there. Through our combined use of social networking,we really are a connected group!

Tri-Challenge Coming This Week
We're also working with a familiar face on another challenge that we hope to have on the United Way website this week. Just a hint - this one involves sports.

For more information about Valley United Way, visit our website at

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