Tuesday, January 5, 2010

SoupBowlTickets.com Comes to life!

Several times last year, I wrote about some incredible efforts in the Valley to deal with the issue of hunger including Griffin Hospital's amazing donation, United Way's Corporate Volunteer Council's building of Harvest House, the Letter Carriers food drive and the Scouts food drive. I also mentioned that several of the Valley's nonprofits were working together to make a suggestion from Jim Guarrera of Carey and Guarrerra Real Estate a reality in the fight against hunger.

Jim had come up with the idea of using surplus and unused tickets to sporting, cultural and other events as a vehicle for raising additional funds to purchase food. That idea has now come to life in the form of SoupBowlTickets.com, a website where people can purchase tickets to events or donate tickets that they will not be using. It will take some time for this to develop, but please take a minute to bookmark the site and visit it often to see our progress.

We also want to thank the Valley Association of Realtors who helped spearhead this effort with a $1,000 donation to get the project started.

You can visit the site at http://www.SoupBowlTickets.com.

For more information about Valley United Way, visit our website at www.valleyunitedway.org.

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