Monday, August 23, 2010

Early Commodore Hull Picture Emerges

Commodore Isaac Hull

Last week I mentioned a "New" old portrait of one of America's greatest naval heroes, Commodore Issac Hull, for whom our leadership giving society is named. As you can see from the picture above, the portrait looks fantastic even though it predates Hull's great victory over the British during the War of 1812. For more details about the portrait and its owner, Cindy Cross, click here.

What has me excited about this is the timing. We will be hosting a thank you reception for our Commodore Hull Society members on September 14, which is a very special occasion for us to thank our donors. It is now even more special because Cindy Cross has agreed to bring the portrait to the reception for everyone to see. As we inch closer and closer to the 200th anniversary of Commodore Hull's greatest triumph, it is especially fitting to be able to have a formal viewing of this visual reminder of the Commodore's great contributions to U.S. naval history. I hope that as many members of the Commodore Hull Society as possible will be able to join us for this historic evening.

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