We recently blogged about a very special and serious challenge centered on preventing violence in schools called Rachel's Challenge. Today, we have another "Challenge", but this one is much lighter in tone. Our good friends over at the Jones Family Farms are involved in a challenge with some other good farmers - the people at Bishop's Orchards in Guilford. Their challenge involves growing, but this time its not plants and vegetables - it's donors and Facebook users!
For every fan that joins their respective Facebook pages between 8:00am Thursday October 22nd and 8:00am on Friday November 27th (day after Thanksgiving) the two farms have dedicated themselves to donate $1 each (up to a maximum of 5000 fans total between the two farms) to charities of their choosing. The friendly battle doesn’t end there however. The second place owner will travel to the winning farm and put in a good honest days work during the Christmas season.
Valley United Way is fortunate enough to be the recipient of Jones Family Farms generosity while the Guilford Community Fund will benefit from the Bishops Farm donation. The Working Land's Alliance will benefit from donations from both farms.
Here in the Valley, The Jones Family Farms are part of the social and economic fabric of the community. It's pumpkin time at the farm right now, and this weekend they have their special UNICEF Children's Festival going on. Children are encouraged to show up in costume and participate in a variety of special activities at Pumpkinseed Hill. My personal favorite time to visit is Christmas for the annual purchase of a real Christmas tree. I know that artificial trees are gaining in popularity, but there's nothing like your own fresh cut tree from the Jones Family farm. At other times of the year, its strawberries and blueberries that draw attention. And of course we don't want to forget the new winery (Not really so new, but in comparison to the farm's long history, it's still new!) and the food and cooking classes. The farm has truly become a year round destination!
Getting back to the challenge - We're also big believers in using technology and social media to keep people informed of what goes on at United Way and to invite their feedback. We have been a pioneer among United Ways dating back to being the first United Way in the state of Connecticut to have a website. We use Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and this blog in addition to the website, so when our farmer friends called, we were ready to respond.
The greatest thing about this challenge is that it is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Hopefully thousands of people will learn more about two great farms and three great nonprofit organizations. Not only will there be learning opportunities, but some real and "virtual" friendships will be made that hopeful will last a lifetime. And lest I forget, the donations will be very helpful during a period when the economy is stressing the resources of our nonprofits to the limit.
So let me close by thanking our friends at Jones Family Farms and Bishops Orchards for this innovative challenge, and we want you to go to the Jones Family Farms Facebook site right now and sign up to be a Fan - you'll be happy that you did!
And watch for another unique new challenge coming up next week at Valley United Way!!
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