In addition to the regular allocations process, Valley United way generally offers a special round of funding for special needs grants that match the intent of donors who have designated certain areas of special interest. Though the grants tend to be much smaller then regular allocations, they can still make a major difference in a community. A good example is the grant made to the Derby Youth Services Bureau earlier this year.
Director John Saccu requested funding for help "keeping kids safe and on track". We would like to assume that schools are inherently safe places, but this week's tragedy at UCONN brings home the reality that there can be problems.
John wanted to create a series of real life situations through interactive theatre and improvisational role-laying by teens. Last Friday, the program came to life at Derby High School in the form of Rachels' Challenge. Rather than giving our own report, you can read about the program through students in the Journalism Class who wrote their story for the Valley Indepependent sentinel. Click here to read their account of "emotionally-charged silence".
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