Each year, the Valley United Way appeals to Valley businesses, municipalities and individual community members to support their annual fundraising endeavors. LIVE UNITED is the theme of this year’s campaign. Living United means working together as a community to improve the quality of life for everyone. Contributions made to the Valley United Way help fund 23 local agencies focused on strengthening families, helping youth to succeed and assisting people in crisis. Donations received during the 2007 – 2008 campaign help to fund:
Quality, safe, before - and after-school programs for more than 15,000 children through organizations like the Boys &Girls Club of Lower Naugatuck Valley, the Seymour-Oxford Nursery and Child Care Association (SONCCA) and the Valley YMCA
Addiction and mental health rehabilitation services for more than 4,000 Valley residents through the Morris Foundation
Hot, nutritious meals to 454 homebound senior citizens through TEAM, Inc.’s Meals On Wheels program
Transition housing for 290 homeless individuals at Spooner House, managed by Area Congregations Together
This year, the Valley United Way has set a fundraising goal of $1.2 million dollars. Their fundraising efforts will be assisted by The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven and The Valley Community Foundation, who have each awarded 2-to-1 challenge grants for up to $40,000 for all new and increased dollars raised. That means that The Newtown Savings Bank’s pledge of $1,000 will be matched with $500 in foundation grants.
Jack Walsh, Valley United Way President & C.O.O., said, "This is a strong incentive for many new businesses who have moved into the Valley, but have not yet been involved with campaign – like Newtown Savings Bank -- to see the value of their donations multiplied because of this grant. During difficult economic times, the community needs support more than ever."
The Newtown Savings Bank is a mutual community bank headquartered in Newtown, CT with over $945 million in assets. Established in 1855, the Bank has thirteen branches in Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury, Monroe, Newtown, Shelton, Southbury, Trumbull and Woodbury. For more information visit nsbonline.com or call 800-461-0672.
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