When John was evicted from his apartment earlier in July of this year, he didn’t know where to turn. “I thought I had no place to go,” John said. “I thought I was going to be sleeping in my car for a while.” Fortunately John came across the Spooner House – an emergency assistance and homeless shelter that gave him regular meals and a place to stay for four months.
John Trovarelli, a Spooner House counselor, was able to assist in finding John a steady job, which he has since maintained. Because John was working, he could not qualify for state insurance or low income housing. After speaking with his case manager, she was able to find him a transition apartment that he could move into while readjusting himself to an independent lifestyle.
John feels his time spent with the Spooner House was learning experience and believes that everything is working out. “I don’t know where I would be right now if it wasn’t for all the help the Spooner House gave me,” John said. “I think this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me because I was able to concentrate on myself without all those pressures and worries hanging over my head. It’s a work in progress but so far, so good.”
Watch John's full video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaGgpc7uGm8
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