The 13th annual Back to School Clothes-For-Kids Program was held at Anna LoPresti School in Seymour. This was the first time in Valley United Way’s history that an entire town’s school system has been selected.
Pat Gavin said, “My son Jaden is in the special needs program here at LoPresti School and I really can’t say enough about it.” Her daughter, Teagan, is heading into the fifth grade and is very excited to go back to school. “My favorite class is spelling,” Teagan said. “And I can’t wait to see Mr. G. He’s funny.”
Jake, a soon to be kindergartener, couldn’t wait to get some new school supplies while his older brother Michael, a second grader, confessed he was more excited about getting ice cream at the end of the event. Later, little Jake and Michael demonstrated excellent teamwork by each grabbing an end of their supply bins and carrying them outside one by one, which took the stress off their mother who was holding their baby sister.
While the families waited inside the cafeteria, various companies’ representatives were gathering in the gym by their sponsored children’s bins, eager to finally meet the families they voluntarily decided to help. Lizzie of McIntyre Group said, “We sponsored six kids and had a lot of fun shopping for them.”
The DJ began playing music just as the families walked up the stairs and through the gymnasium doors. Families then matched their children’s’ numbers with numbers on the bins. After greeting and thanking the company who sponsored their children, some families stayed for a while to mingle and enjoy the tunes while others immediately took their kids outside for ice cream.
Patricia Tarasovic, Director of the Volunteer Center at Valley United Way, along with the superintendent of Seymour Schools, Mary Anne Mascolo, spoke inside the gymnasium and provided words of encouragement for the children. They also thanked all the companies, especially Pitney Bowes, Prudential Financial and Sikorsky for sponsoring upwards of 37 children each. Before the majority of families departed Patricia, Mary Anne and the Corporate Volunteer Council were also able to wish the children success and the best of luck for the upcoming academic year.
On the way to get ice cream, Haley, a third grader, said, “I can’t wait to go back to school. It’s fun to meet all the new kids and teachers.” When asked what her favorite subject was, she jumped up and down while holding a handful of balloons and shouted, “Math!”
Valley United Way came together along with the Corporate Volunteer Council and several companies throughout the Valley to make this annual charitable event possible.
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